The USB Disk Security for Windows I always shudder when a person offers to duplicate something onto my computer using his USB stick. Well, unless I’m using Linux at the time. If that does not appear filthy enough, visualize just what do printing shop computers experience all the time. You never ever know when a little digital bugger will jump from that thing and infect your priceless system.
USB Disk Security (USB D.S.) makes it possible for specific security options within Windows in a really available method. Not just that however additionally does some scanning on the side.
USB Disk Security for Windows
Regarding data sticks go, USB D.S. checks the memory as quickly as you link it. Scanning could likewise be carried out by hand. Detected hazards are quarantined upon deletion and secured to make sure that they cannot make heads or tails of themselves.
By the USB Vaccination solution, your computer will no more autorun USB connected gadgets, which can be a minor inconvenient however in return you reach analyze them at your leisure prior to taking part in unguarded data transfers.
USB Disk Security is free for use:
- Free for use for any purpose
- Prevent known and unknown threats from USB storage
- Never slow down your computer
- Prevent unauthorized persons from stealing your data
- Compatible with all antivirus software
- Best solution to protect offline computer
Technical information
Operating System
4 Mb
Windows 7/8/10
Publish Date
25 February 2021